Astro-Atmos Documentation

Tools to make local weather forecasts for terrestrial astronomical observations.

Note: Because of the models/data sources currently implemented, this can only forecast locations within the United States. I have partially developed support for Canada too, but it is currently incomplete.

Code documentation is found here. For a more general overview and installation instructions check out the Github page.


Functions for getting the altitude of celestial bodies (e.g. sun, moon) at a given time and location on Earth.


Methods for generating and plotting a forecast.


Matplotlib style parameters for adjusting the look of forecast plots.


Gets Planetary k-index and geomagnetic storm levels from NOAA SWPC.


Get weather forecasts for a location in the United States from National Weather Service (NWS).


Handles parsing and caching of RDPS astronomy model grids (seeing and transparency).


Handles download and caching of RDPS meteorological model data.

Indices and tables